The New Jersey Speech Language Pathology and Audiology PAC funds have allowed NJSHA to support New Jersey legislators who are sensitive to your issues related to our fields and the people we serve.  In order to continue our important work, we ask for your financial support. 

Please consider donating $20 or more to the NJ SLP & Audiology PAC.   If everyone donated just $10, our PAC would be in a very strong position for advocating on our priorities.

With your support, NJSHA’s voice can be very loud and make a difference to our professions and those we serve.  Thank you for your support!

Making A Donation Is Easy!

Pay with Zelle

Scan in your banking app to pay at
Enter your email address in the memo line to receive a Thank You note.

Pay by Check

Make your check out to NJ SLP & Audiology PAC.

Include the following form:

Mail to:
NJ SLP & Audiology PAC
c/o Porzio Governmental Affairs
Attn: Ann Barzda
10 West Lafayette Street
Trenton, NJ 08608

Frequently Asked Questions About the New Jersey Speech Language Pathology & Audiology PAC

What is a political action committee?
A state political action committee (PAC) refers to a committee organized by like-minded people for the purpose of raising and spending money in support of  state legislative and gubernatorial candidates that have demonstrated interest in issues important to speech-language pathologists and audiologists and the people they serve . Money raised come from members’ voluntary contributions.

How is the NJ SLP & Audiology PAC funded?
It is funded through voluntary individual contributions from NJSHA members, friends, and staff. NJ regulations prevent NJSHA from contributing directly to its own PAC, UNLESS there are no shared board members.   This means we need voluntary donations (separate from NJSHA dues) to fund the PAC.

Why do NJSHA Members need a PAC?
The PAC was started in response to a need for NJSHA to become more politically active within the healthcare and education communities in New Jersey.  It supports NJSHA’s ability to advocate and be proactive for our speech pathology and audiology professions and members.  The PAC is our only avenue to help elect and reelect state lawmakers to New Jersey’s legislative bodies and the Governor who support the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology.  This allows us to support candidates who support us!

How does the NJ SLP & Audiology PAC help me as a professional?
Public policies and regulations  affect our professions and the way we serve our patients, clients, and students. Through the PAC, NJSHA’s advocacy team is able to educate, build, and strengthen relationships with key decision makers who stand in support of issues that are important to our professions. PAC funds support legislators supporting legislation that benefits audiology and speech-language pathology.  By investing in the PAC, you’re joining your colleagues in creating a statewide voice for professions.

What is a good amount to give to NJ SLP & Audiology PAC?
An annual donation of $10 goes a long way to supporting your PAC.  The average donation is $20; however, any amount helps to support NJSHA’s advocacy work and provides the PAC with significant resources to make a greater impact on what concerns you as a professional and our professions overall.

Are donations to the PAC tax deductible?

No. Political contributions are not tax deductible on your federal or state income taxes.

Who does the PAC support?
Funds from the PAC are used to help elect and retain elected officials at the state level who support the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology and who help advance NJSHA’s legislative priorities in Trenton. The NJ SLP & Audiology PAC works to support legislators who currently serve on committees with jurisdiction over healthcare and education issues, hold positions of leadership in the Assembly or Senate, and/or have previously supported issues identified as important to NJSHA.